6 Trigger Foods for Heartburn
Heartburn is an all-too-common problem affecting both men and women. Symptoms of heartburn include a burning pain in your chest and a bitter taste in your mouth. The pain may intensify when you bend over. The burning sensation in your chest is caused by stomach acid going back into the esophagus, the tube that connects your stomach to your mouth. Acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), is often triggered by certain foods. Since sensitivity to these foods may vary among individuals, try to note which foods exacerbate the problem. By eating or drinking smaller quantities or avoiding these foods altogether, acid reflux can be controlled. Here are common six foods to avoid if you suffer from heartburn: 1. Spicy foods A spicy food choice is on almost every menu. Chili, curry, paprikash, and others are found on menus. These delicious and spicy foods can lead to heartburn. The culprit is the capsaicin, which is the active component in chili peppers. Capsaicin is found in spices like chili powder and paprika are used to add “heat” to a dish. If you are sensitive to capsaicin, limit the number of spicy foods, or prepare less spicy versions at home.
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